<aside> 💡 The Complexity of the Questions are from Easy to Hard. Pick one that you feel the most comfortable with.


  1. Creating Layouts with CSS Flex box and Grid.
  2. Explore ES6 Features.
  3. Getting Started with Git and GitHub.
  4. Understanding the CSS Box Model.
  5. Data Flow in React. What are Props and States?
  6. Creating a server side application with Express and how to integrate it with a frontend application.
  7. Creating a website quickly using Bootstrap. Getting started with Bootstrap.
  8. HTML Forms and managing form Submissions.
  9. How to create a responsive navigation menu with HTML, CSS and JS.
  10. Understanding Responsive units in CSS. rem, em, vh, vw, vmax, vmin.
  11. Advanced CSS. Creating animations, transitions and various element transform properties.
  12. Making your website responsive using CSS Media Queries.
  13. Different types of JavaScript Errors and how to handle them.
  14. Introduction to JavaScript DOM manipulation using the DOM API.
  15. Understanding the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous JS.
  16. What are APIs? Exploring the different Browser APIs present.
  17. Basic introduction to CSS. Different ways of applying CSS to your HTML Elements.
  18. Positioning Elements with CSS. Understanding the difference between Relative, absolute, fixed, sticky and static positioning.
  19. What is nodejs? How to install it and run in your local system?