❓ What is mkd-blog? Aim/Outcome/Intro

mkd-blog short for Markdown Blog is a blogging platform where anyone can share their articles they write to the world. The editing platform of the mkd-blog is markdown based, users can write their articles in markdown and it is later rendered as html in the output.

Users with the knowledge of Markdown can use the platform to create articles and share it in a decorated manner.

📠 Tech stacks Used

💻 Frontend

⚙️ Backend

📄 Version Control

📶 APIs Used

🌐 Hosting Details

🙌 Other Technologies Used

⚔️ mkd-blog Features

🔥 Core Feature

<aside> 💡 Users can write their articles in plain text or Markdown and can easily share it to the world with a simple link.


🤏 Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

  1. Signup and Sign-in for Users.
  2. Edit user profile page.